Wisconsin Wildlife

Coyote: God's Dog

Coyote: God's Dog

Coyotes are social, intelligent, and cunning animals. Coyotes are so smart, that Native Americans considered them an important part of their cosmology. Tribes of the southwest refer to them as God’s dogs.

They are about the size of a small dog and average about 30 pounds. Coyotes share their looks and tracks with wolves in physical appearance, but they are a bit smaller in size.

Coyotes are members of the Canidae family which also includes wolves, dogs, and foxes.

Wisconsin Turtles

Wisconsin Turtles

Wisconsin has 11 species of turtles. Of these, the Ornate Box turtle is considered endangered and the Blandings and Wood turtles are considered threatened within the state.

Like all reptiles, turtles are cold-blooded or ectothermic which means they rely on the environment for heat. Turtles in Wisconsin have made some neet adaptations to living in a place that gets quite cold in winter.

The Magnificent Sandhill Crane: Wisconsin's Success Story

The Magnificent Sandhill Crane: Wisconsin's Success Story

The sandhill crane is a large and magnificent bird that is found in wetlands in the central United States. They spend their breeding season in Wisconsin’s wetlands and are a common sight even in urban areas.

At one point Sandhill crane populations had dwindled so low they were near extinction. Aldo Leopold and other Wisconsin environmentalists were instrumental in publicizing their plight.

These birds are best known for their graceful dance-like movements, which they perform during courtship rituals and their very vocal conversations.

Gobble, Gobble! Wild Turkey's

Gobble, Gobble! Wild Turkey's

Benjamin Franklin was right about one thing. The turkey would have made a great national bird.

Wild Turkeys are large, plump birds with long legs. You often see them walking in fields or on the edges of wooded areas. The distinctive gobble and beautiful tail plumage on the male make them easy to identify.

The Badger: Wisconsin's State Mammal

The Badger: Wisconsin's State Mammal

Don’t mess with a badger! The badger is a formidable animal with long thick claws and razor-sharp teeth. They will defend their territory and their young.

Badgers are mustelids and related to otters, weasels, and ferrets. Like others in their family, they are very cute but have a ferocious attitude.